MariaMaraltadj Headshot

Maria Maraltadj is a Kwini woman from Kalumburu Community who currently resides in Karratha. Maria’s employs an introsepctive approach to her photography, exploring themes of personal trauma, healing, and self-reflection. Drawing inspiration from mirrors, reflections, water, and words, she invites viewers to delve into their own inner landscapes and confront their emotions.

The mirror becomes a powerful metaphor for self-discovery and self-acceptance. In facing her own personal trauma, hurt, depression, and feelings of abandonment, she finds solace and healing by engaging with her own reflection. Through her art, she captures the complexities of her emotions, embracing vulnerability and encouraging others to embark on their own journey of self-exploration.

Believing that true healing can only come from within, Maria creates thought-provoking and emotionally charged works. Through the interplay of imagery and words, her art serves as a catalyst for dialogue and understanding, advocating for personal growth and resilience in the face of adversity.

Reflections was created during Exposure: New Voices in Australian Photography. Exposure, is a photo media initiative by the Perth Centre of Photography (PCP), supporting the need for and value of empowering First Nations artists with opportunities to voice their stories and lived experience via artistic practice.

PCP partnered with Kimberley-focused organistaion, Camera Story, to deliver the tailored mentoring program in the artists home communities to provided skills development, resources, professional opportunities, and network development over an 18-month period. . 

Between 2021-2023, Exposure saw artists and mentors working across  Djugan, Yawuru, Ngarinyin, Mangala, Karajarri, Wunambol, Kwini and Whadjuk Noongar Country in the Kimberley, Pilbara and South-West regions on Western Australia.

Exposure: New Voices in Australian Photography has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body, supported by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund.